Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chilling, Stretching, Enjoying Life / Gas

Mom pulled out the big 
guns for this 
photo shoot....

Okay, not really a gun but
one of her big cameras. 

Image may contain: cat, table and indoor

I was just chilling....

Image may contain: cat, table and indoor

and stretching....

Image may contain: cat and indoor

and enjoying life.

Mom showed me the pics and they
are better then doing it with her
cell phone. 

Right now mom is helping
me with my blog, you know
she really has to type it out
for me. Dakota is laying next 
to her on the couch and mom
said that she was going to have 
to put a cork up....well you know
what I mean, cause he keeps
FAR......I mean passing gas.
I am staying across the room

Lily Bit


  1. he he he on the gas... we know about it from mom, dad and Big boy... I must say you look even MORE beautiful with the Big Gun Camera

  2. Sometimes a terrific sense of smell is overrated sweet Lily!

  3. LOL love the photos and had to laugh at Dakota. Cheers Diane


Moved to Regular Blog

 Hello sweet blogging friends. Misty and I wanted to  do a post to let you know that mom has moved us over to her regular blog and  we are b...