Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sick Baby and Silly Girl

Yesterday Dakota was not feeling
well. He had a messed up tummy.

But silly Lily was silly Lily...
she has taken over my chair
since I have not been doing
a lot of deck time lately.


  1. he looks so sick and sad. she looks like a queen

  2. Dang, I sure hope Dakota feels all better super soon.

  3. Hope that Dakota is better by now, shame poor little chap. Diane

  4. How are both of you feeling? ~hugs~ Take care, my dears.

  5. I hope Dakota is feeling better! Happy Sunday Pam!


Moved to Regular Blog

 Hello sweet blogging friends. Misty and I wanted to  do a post to let you know that mom has moved us over to her regular blog and  we are b...