Thursday, June 17, 2021

Other Critters around the World

 Hi, its me Lily Bit.
Mom and I were crusing FB
this morn and she was explaining
some of these pics to me.

These are called
Armadillidium vulgare
or as mom called

This is the info that was
with the pic on FB.
You have already encountered
them when lifting a
brick or a damp object, you may
even have felt
disgust, and even wondered
what nature was
wanting in creating them.

Well, omniscids are a suborder
of terrestrial isopod
crustaceans, whose function
in evolution is to eliminate
heavy metals such as mercury,
cadmium and lead,
which are extremely harmful
to humans, contributing
to the cleaning of soil and
(Don't kill them, don't crush
them, pass this along.)

Mom said that she used to play
with them when she was
young. Funny, it was like
she knew that they were
safe to mess with but
not to harm...

We don't see this here
but we do get fireflies.
There again as a kid mom
had a different name for
them. She calls them
Lightening Bugs.

One or two seem to
find their way on the deck
from now and then.
I don't mess with them
but Misty tries to 
catch them.

OH NO, what a mess.
I think we are really lucky.
We have not had these out
at my house. Mom thought
it was time for the 17 yr
cicadas here but realized that
was not the case for Nashville.
Northern states seem to be
getting them, so apparently
their 17 yrs ones are on a different
schedule then we are.

Mom said that is a beach
she would not want to be
on right now.
Can you just see me out
in the yard (mom don't let
me off the screened deck)
with these flying around?
I would be worn out either
tring to catch them, or
running from them!!

Lily Bit


  1. Dang, that's a whole lot of creepy bugs on the beach!

  2. I enjoyed watching those bugs roll up as a kid, too. We called them armadillo bugs, which I guess was fitting. :) And lightning bugs was a childhood term! Thanks for the information, Lily Bit. You are a wise kitty.

  3. I wouldn’t want to walk on that beach either, Lily Bit.


Moved to Regular Blog

 Hello sweet blogging friends. Misty and I wanted to  do a post to let you know that mom has moved us over to her regular blog and  we are b...