Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Need to Clean

Why does Lily Bit find the 
need to clean when I 
touch her?

I went to pick her up and hold her
in the hammock with me
and she was having none
of that.

She actually dug her claws into 
the carpet on her stand to 
keep me from getting her.

However as soon as I let
go she started this.

Tis not the first time either.

Brat does it all the time!

Silly Little Lily.


  1. I know the answer, oh yes I do! She is a CAT

  2. We gotta get our furs back to normal!

  3. And don't be surprised when habits change over time. ~shakes head~ About the time I figure there are no shocks left from these old girls, Tilly starting jumping into bed at all hours of the day and night. As I type this she is on the loveseat beside me waiting for my husband to present his lap. She deigned to spend a minute or so on mine, but it's him she really wants. Be well!


Moved to Regular Blog

 Hello sweet blogging friends. Misty and I wanted to  do a post to let you know that mom has moved us over to her regular blog and  we are b...