Mom is writing the post
for this blog today...
I left the house Monday morn
to pick up my groceries
that I ordered on line. I
came home and did not leave
again until Wed evening.
I made myself leave
the house then
cause I needed to go treat
Shadow at the barn for fleas.
I say that I was going to treat
Shadow because I only
had one treatment. I have
more but apparently they are
in a box that has yet to be
unpacked! And since this
girl is HIGHLY allergic to
fleas I try to be sure she
gets treated.
Shadow is the cat that showed
up when the other kittens were
3 months old. She was at some
point an indoor cat with beautiful
fur and well cared for.
Anyway....moving right along....
I got out of the car and fed
Arnold some cantaloupe rind.
Arnold is the big pink pig
at the barn. I called for the
other two but they did not
come so Arnold had his own
little treat.
Shadow came up behind
me telling me hi with a
couple of meows. But it
was the sound coming
from the barn that got my
attention......a cat crying in
distress. I looked in the
barn and there were two
ladders there. One going to the top
of the feed room and the
other on top of the feed room going
up in the rafters. There she was
at the very top of the barn as
close to the tin roof as she
could get, crying her heart little Ms Tigress. I
called up to the house and Renee
said she had tried to get her
down with the ladders but could not
get up there....hold up
and she would come down
to the barn and we would see
what we could do.
Tigress was crying her heart out,
she was next to that tin roof
where I know it was hot and
she was panting so hard between
the cries. So I climb up the first
ladder to the top of the feed room.
This was not too high but it was up
off the ground, sort like you standing
on the ceiling to your living room.
Also, keep in mind, I am not a fan
of heights.
Once I was on top of the feed room
I looked at the other ladder....
OH CRAP...but that babe needed
saving so I sucked it up and started
to climb. I got a little over half way
up and panic sat in. Panic set in cause
I kept looking down and the board that
the ladder was leaning on was not
exactly what I would call safe.
One end of it had come un-nailed
from the other beams. I started to shake
so I had to work my way down that
ladder,judging each step.
I took another deep
breathe and decided that if I had
to climb up to get Tigress I
would have to do it with my
eyes closed.
Now would probably be a good
time to also tell you that I was
up on top of the feed room
without my phone. WHAT THE
HECK! I had set it down in
the hall area of the barn cause
I was afraid I would drop my
damn phone! Forget about the
fact that if I fell I might need it!!
DUH! Also keep in mind that
Renee had yet to come down
to the barn!
Anyway, I could not leave Tigress
up there. Renee brought in a long
2x4 and handed it up to me.
I tried holding it up there
hoping that Tigress would get on
it and walk down. I had it right up
there with the end next to her
balanced on a beam. I think it was to
big of a slope and she would not
get on it. I could not hold it higher
on my end to level it out some for her.
It was just too hard with me hold
this long board up over my head
and I was just not tall enough to
get it higher on my end.
At this point Renee looked out
of the barn door and called
for Monkey. I have NO clue what
Monkey's real name is but he has
that nickname because he can
scale a tree like a monkey! He
had actually pulled in behind me
when I came in the drive but he
bared off to the rental house
and I to the barn. Renee yelled
at him and asked him to come
Monkey scaled right up the first
ladder and the the bigger ladder
with no issues. I told him to grab
Tigress behind the neck and she
not claw at him. However he had
to grab her around the middle.
Bless her heart she must have
known we were there to help
cause she did not even try to
crawl at him. He came right
down that ladder and handed her
to me. Now like Lily, Tigress will
allow me to hold her, for a min
then she pushes to get down.
However not now...I cradled her
close to me and she was just
fine with it.
Monkey looked at me and
asked me was I going to
jump down off the feed room!
HAHA...I told him my flying
powers were not working. I
sat Tigress down, they get
on the feed roof all the time
and I knew she knew how to
get down. Then I looked at
Monkey and said, "AW hell,
how am I going to turn around
and start down"!?? Monkey had
already sat the big ladder down
on the barn floor so he raised
it up over the lip of the roof
so I could sort of just
walk on to it and I started
down. He said he was there
to catch me. HAHA....I think
I am a tad bigger then him and
he told me that was not an issue
he would not let me fall.
I touched BOTTOM!!!
Thanked Monkey and
jumped into cat mode.
Tigress had come down
to the inside of the feed
room and I ran and got
her water. Renee said she
found her up there early
that morning, and it was
around 6 when we got
her down. I knew that she
might even have gotten up
there the night before. I
knew that tin roof was
I tried to love on her again
and she was over it. WOW,
cats sure are not grateful.
I was willing to risk my
life for her!!!
Sorry NO PICS cause I
went into saving mode
when I saw her and never
even thought about taking
pics of the cat up there or
the ladders propped up.
I just needed to save
Tigress. So, I guess that
is the one way to get me to
put my camera down.
Thankful that Monkey
came along when he
I visited with Chris and
Renee for a bit. Let me
also throw in here that
Chris was unable to help
with the cat cause just
a few days ago he had
a second surgery on his
shoulder. I did however
scold Tigress when she
came up on the deck and
Chris said that she prob
chased a mouse up
there. I knew if had to
be something cause those
cats have NEVER climbed
those beams that high
up. The ones between
the feed room and the
ground they are pros at!
That would be my
fur adventures of
the day!