Today is Dakota's bday. He turned 13.
Yesterday however I was not sure if he
would see today.
Monday he met me at the door
when I came in from work, but
he was not jumping up and
greeting me like normal. He also
would not eat. Yesterday was the
same. However, I managed to get
him to eat about 6 bites later on.
Then again later about 6 more,
then yay, once more about the same.
With getting him to eat I was able
to crush his meds in with his food.
The day before I was not able to get any
in him.
Today when I left for work he
was more alert. When I came home
he met me at the door. Still not himself
but more so then he was.
It took three feeding times to get
food in him today. He is eating,
that is great but apparently the tumors
are taking up more space cause he
is not cleaning his plate like Dakota
ALWAYS has. Once that food moves
down he comes back for more in a
couple of hours. He just finished a
cup of food, took three tries but he did.
To keep him from just inhaling what little
he eats at a time I am actually hand feeding
His stool is black which is telling me that
there is blood. My heart is feeling like
it is being ripped out. He is my best bud.
It was him and I for so long together.
He has laid when me when I was sick,
he watched over me when I had surgery,
he has made me laugh, he has pissed
me off but all in all, he has been there.
When I comes time to let him go I
will be a mess but I will do what I have
to do because I will not let him suffer.
He has lost a lot of weight. I feel his
back bone when I rub him. I see his
My heart breaks....