Monday, September 27, 2021

Fritos and Night Time

Guess what I found out?
I like Frito's. 
Mom gave me a very
small tiny piece and I
begged for more.
Two pieces, that is 
all she gave me.

Not fair.
I like it and she will not
give me more. 

I jump in the bed
with mom at night
and I suck on my
blanket and knead, then
I roll over and go
night, night. 

This is me wedged right
up next to my mom.
So warm and comfy.




  1. Our Mom used to have a kitty that loved fritos too...and greenbeans! Don't eat too many though, the salt isn't good for your system.

  2. You have good taste Misty. I love them too.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the furbabes and a hug to mom. ♥


Moved to Regular Blog

 Hello sweet blogging friends. Misty and I wanted to  do a post to let you know that mom has moved us over to her regular blog and  we are b...