Shortly before adopting Lily I was
seeing changes in Dakota.
Just small things that can be easily
over looked but now thinking
about them and other stuff now lead
me to do some reading.
Convinced that he has developed
Sundowner Syndrome,
basically starting of doggie Alzheimer’s.
It started with
strange behavior and attitude but if you
knew Dakota
you could see where it would be easy to
over look cause
Dakota has always had strange behavior.
once said he reminded her Niles on Frazier. I said he
reminded me more of Sheldon on
Big Bang Theory. The
changes have been slow in coming but
about eight months
ago he started something really odd in
waking at night and
walking around my body. I get him to lay
back down but this
goes on all night. Like an anxiety
attack. I take him
downstairs and get him calmed down.
Recently he
has started panting at night. Sleeps
a bit more during
the day then he used to but basically at
daytime he is fine..
except he will go over to the door and
stand there like he
wants to go out, I let hi out and he goes
on the porch but
turns right around to come back in
like he forgot what he
was doing. For some reason,
he seems to do better downstairs
which also makes me wonder if the leg
he broke as a pup
hurts going upstairs. I sleep on the
couch a lot of times to
help him feel comfy. Those who know
me, know my
connection with
The King knows
that this is bothering
me. He is my bud, my best friend, he
has been there for
me and I will be here for him.
He will be 12 in Feb.