Last night Dakota stayed the night at
granny's (moms) house. While he was gone
was gone Lily and did some playing with
the little feathery toy on a string..
Every so often she was taken off in
a running fit and run behind the angel
and Father Christmas.
Peeking out at me.
Then the branch got in the way
so she OPENED
WIDE...and tried to bite it.
She is always into something and
always making me laugh.
There is a rule in my home though,
I keep a water bottle handy for those
times. However while putting dishes
put out of the dishwasher the other night,
I turned my back and then when I turned
back around I saw this.
OH MY...
The cabinet has three sections that contect,
when I grabbed for her, she ran to the other
end. She did get in trouble and got a talking